Логотип Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля

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Case Club of Alfred Nobel University is ready!

Taking into account the business-oriented concept of education of Alfred Nobel University, involvement of employers in the educational process, active use of cases in various disciplines, the University at the initiative of Vice-Rector for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Irina Shkura decided to unite the most active students and teachers in Nobel Case club. The meeting of the case club, which took place on May 20, was dedicated to the preparation for the case championship on solving the problem from the company Grow Some. According to the rules, the participants of the case championship must analyze the activities of the company and its competitors, market trends, choose the most promising ways to develop the company, prepare a presentation and present it to the company's management.

Our workshop can be considered training or even a rehearsal - we received very little initial information about the situation with falling profits from the Chinese grain exporter. But according to the results of brainstorming, teachers were amazed at how creative our students are, how quickly they became a team, and how good they all are from different specialties, because of their knowledge and experience in different areas - marketing, entrepreneurship, trade, exchange, international economic relations - perfectly complemented each other and gave a synergistic effect.

The launch of the case club at the university is part of the USAID Economic Support to Eastern Ukraine Project. Based on the case club, students will have the opportunity to communicate with representatives of large companies, express themselves, analyze the problems of real business, as well as learn to present information in a structured way, develop quality, clear presentations, improve public speaking skills.

Solving cases and participating in case championships will make you feel like an employee of a large company that solves current business problems.

We are preparing for the case championship, the next meeting is on May 24!

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