Логотип Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля

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The second meeting of the Nobel Case Club

There is the first case club in Dnipro! It is extremely gratifying that this took place based on Alfred Nobel University.

The meeting on May 24 was devoted to the practice of using tools that are most useful in the analysis of cases used in consulting, namely the model of Ishikawa, "5 Why", the tree of problems and solutions, etc.

Thank to Ph.D., Assoc. Professor of the Department of Global Economics Kotko Olga for conducting an interesting and useful lesson, a teacher of the Department of English Applied Linguistics and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages Hrytskevych Polina for assistance in organizing the meeting.

Within the framework of the Nobel Case Club, in the future, it is planned to actively work with business not only in the region but

If you have any questions, or you plan to get involved in the work of the case club, we will be happy to see you in our community!

Contact person: Hrytskevych Polina

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