Department of Psychology and Pedagogy

Department of Psychology and Pedagogy
Our department prepares a new generation of specialists who combine deep research knowledge, practical skills and the ability to work effectively in the modern world
15 years of high-quality psychological education
and over 1,000 graduates, students and listeners who are successfully working in psychological services and projects around the world
Qualified lecturers: researchers and practitioners
with academic degrees and 5 to 25 years of practical experience as psychologists, logotherapists, psychiatrists, business psychologists and coaches
Modern teaching methods
такі як візуалізація лекцій, дискусії, дебати, студентські презентації, мозкові штурми, кейси та моделювання ситуацій, рольові, ділові ігри, методи фасилітації, тренінги, проєктна методика
Practical experience
gained during internships in schools, kindergartens, inclusive centres and psychological services, equipping students with the skills for their future careers
Participation in international projects
through partnerships with European universities and programmes, allowing students to engage in research and exchange opportunities
Mentorship and tutoring
from recognised practitioners and researchers, participation in research and practical work, competitions and hands-on projects