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Home Special offers for entrants and applicants of 2024

Tuition fees for the academic year 2024 – 2025 at the Alfred Nobel University

1-3 years of study (Bachelor’s degree)

4th year of study (Bachelor’s degree)

1-2 years of study (Master’s degree)

Special offers for entrants and applicants of 2024


3 grants are awarded by the founder Borys Kholod and the Alfred Nobel Planet International Charitable Foundation for applicants who received at least 190 points in each competitive subject based on the results of the national multi-subject test (2022, 2023, 2024) or external independent evaluation (2021). The grant is provided for 1 academic year for any study programme at the University and can be extended for each subsequent semester, provided that the student has excellent academic performance.

A programme for defenders

A social benefit of a 50% discount for the entire period of study in educational programmes of all forms and levels of education is provided for: defenders (combatants; participants in measures necessary to ensure the defence of Ukraine, protect the security of the population and the interests of the state in connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine – relevant statuses since 2014); children of fallen defenders; people with special educational needs.

For graduates

Graduates of the University who have received a bachelor’s degree are granted a 10% discount on tuition fees for the entire period of study to obtain a master’s degree.


a discount of 5% is provided in case of payment of the annual tuition fee in one payment to the University’s current account
a discount of 10% is provided in case of payment of the full cost of tuition for master’s degree programmes for the entire period of study in one payment to the University’s current account
a discount of 20% is granted in case of payment of the full cost of tuition for bachelor’s degree programmes for the entire period of study in one payment to the University’s current account
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The discount is valid only if the relevant supplementary agreement to the educational services agreement is signed.