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Lend a hand help painted in ukrainian flag colors against blue sky. Stop the war. Stand with Ukraine
Coventry University Group continues to help Ukraine rebuild and build towards a brighter future with new initiative

Coventry University Group continues to help Ukraine rebuild and build towards a brighter future.
They have joined forces with two Ukrainian universities, trained healthcare workers and rehabilitation specialists, and explored potential joint research projects.
The newest initiative aims to develop Gender Equality Partnerships to increase the representation of women in senior leadership positions in higher education institutions in Ukraine

1 хв. на читання
Logo and basic information about the IEEE MetroAeroSpace 2025 international workshop. The event will take place on June 18-20, 2025 in Naples, Italy.
How Nobel University conquers the international arena: special session at MetroAeroSpace 2025

Alfred Nobel University is a partner of the prestigious IEEE MetroAeroSpace international workshop in Naples.
The event will bring together leading experts to discuss innovations in aerospace technology.

1 min. to read
AUU Global Synergy through COIL
Participation in the online forum “AUU Global Synergy through COIL: from idea to implementation” 

On January 15, 2025, the Alfred Nobel University team took part in the online forum “AUU Global Synergy through COIL: from idea to implementation” – the most interesting and modern form of international educational cooperation. During the Forum, Alliance teachers shared success stories and challenges of implementing COIL courses at their universities and also presented […]

1 min. to read
Футуристичне зображення, яке ілюструє курси з космічного бізнесу та інженерії безпілотних літальних апаратів цивільного призначення. У центрі — Земля з підсвіткою, що символізує глобальний космічний бізнес. У верхньому правому куті — цифрові графіки й діаграми. Ліворуч — сучасні дрони в польоті над міським пейзажем. У нижній частині — технічні креслення та схеми. Колірна гамма поєднує сині й сріблясті відтінки, підкреслюючи технологічність і інноваційність.
Deep Tech Talent Recognizes Alfred Nobel University’s Courses

Alfred Nobel University’s educational programs, including Space Business and Unmanned Systems Engineering, have been accepted by Deep Tech Talent from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).

Learn more about modern courses that provide access to the international educational and professional space.

1 хв. на читання
The Baltic University Programme (BUP)
Participation in The Baltic University Programme (BUP)

Nataliia Shpak, head of International Relations Office took part The Baltic University Programme meeting for International Relations Officers. The meeting was helf on October 7-9, 2024 in Ostrava (Czechia). The event included workshops, lectures and opportunities to expand and establish ties with colleagues from across the Baltic Sea region. Over 50 colleagues have been involved […]

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banner webinar “Réhabilitologues – 2024”
Le premier webinaire international dans le cadre du projet “Réhabilitologues – 2024”

Conférencière – Alina Yudina Lieu – sur la plateforme Zoom Thème – “Le stress post-traumatique chez les enfants. Comment aider les enfants à survivre à des événements traumatisants”.

1 min. to read
10th Anniversary of the HWPL World Peace Summit in Ukraine: Peace Education in Times of War

On September 23, 2024, Ukraine celebrated the 10th anniversary of the HWPL World Peace Summit with an online conference focused on peace education in war. This event was part of a global initiative, with regional HWPL World Peace Summits taking place in 122 countries between September 18 and 30. The aim is to celebrate a […]

3 min. to read
Text The power of freedom on the background of a panoramic photo of the Dnipro city
Ukrainian digital platform UNITED24 expands its presence in the world

Ukraine has launched the UNITED24 digital platform to consolidate international support and disseminate truthful information about events in the country.
Visit the platform’s website and share information in the international community to help counter Russian propaganda and contribute to Ukraine’s recovery.

1 хв. на читання
Two journals on the cover of the EBSCOhost, showcasing a variety of subjects and knowledge.
Alfred Nobel University has entered into an electronic licensing relationship with EBSCO Publishing

Alfred Nobel University has entered into an electronic licensing relationship with EBSCO Publishing, the world’s leading aggregator of full text journals, magazines and eBooks. The full texts of journals Academy Review and Alfred Nobel University Journal of Philology can be found in the EBSCOhost™ databases.

4 min. to read