Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля

Гаряча лінія



Явтушинська Кристина, МЕВ-17а про участь у програмах Erasmus+

The world is far too huge for people not to go out of the box they were born in. Probably, this is the phrase that describes my attitude to the life since I went to my first Erasmus exchange program, which was in Rzeszów, Poland in 2019. Recently I have finished my last Erasmus in Cádiz, Spain. I could not even imagine some experience like this exists in the world! I am sure I can talk about Erasmus for hours, but I will do my best now to describe briefly what “going for Erasmus” implies indeed.

First of all, you meet face-to-face with cultural differences, differences in mentalities, behaviors and upbringing. It is not just about the country you will live in, but also about all other students who will do exchange program together with you! Currently, I can count more than 1000 people from more than 30 countries all over the world, who I can call “my friend” and it means that indeed! This is totally unimaginable for people who do not know about Erasmus, but for me now it is simply my reality.

Secondly, travelling! Literally each weekend I was going to new cities or countries. In total, I could visit up to 8 countries per 1 semester. Here you were supposed to be left speechless). Cheap flights, friends who are willing to see the world as much as you, and the perfect location for managing that! Why not?!

Thirdly, experience of studying and living abroad. This is more than just appreciated when the business considers a candidate as a potential employee. Additionally, for your own personal growth and development Erasmus will do tremendous contribution!

Finally, some obvious benefits, such as: foreign language improvement (it may be even few languages), covered university costs (in case of scholarship, all other expenditures may be covered as well), real student life with parties, trips, events (like carnival in Cádiz), friends from all over the world and memories that will warm your heart till the end of the life!

school and education

Гаряча лінія
